Utilize our user interface to see unwanted traffic, collect information on them, and then permanently exclude them out of all of your incoming traffic!
We can process up to a billion visitors every day! Our system along with the network is also completely redundant to reduce downtime in the event of outages.
Unwanted visitors will never see any redirects, so they won't suspect that they are being blacklisted. Unlike other filtering platforms, we do not use any common identifiers in the URL (e.x. "go.php?clid="), so your traffic filtering stays undetected.
We always use paid databases to more accurately detect your visitors' information. This saves you thousands of dollars per month in database subscription fees!
Want to enable filtering on your existing campaigns? It takes just a minute in our interface, and copying/pasting one line of HTML code! You don’t need to download or install anything, and no technical knowledge is required.